Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Color Green and Negative Painting

COLOR -  Painting Green and Negative Shapes

The color green can be more exciting using a variety of hues such as green mixed with yellow, blue and brown.

  • With a clean sheet of watercolor paper and a mixture of green, yellow, blue, and brown colors paint a variable background using various mixes of these colors, and don't forget to leave some white paper showing (that will give sparkle to the painting)
  • When it is dry, use some of the same colors of the same green and paint negative shapes of leaves, branches, shadows, etc. This process is called negative painting, by painting behind the other shapes to show depth. 
  • The illusion of the lighter colors makes it appear to be out in front. The darker colors gives the feeling of being able to see behind the front shapes. 
  • The first wash is a light value and using clean colors by not mixing too many colors together.  The green colors are green mixed with yellow, blue, and brown. The gives a variety of color and different value for each green color. 
  • Discovering the secret of painting behind is a bit like cutting a hole in a balloon to see what makes it work.  When it is completed, it all looks related and gives you the impression of looking back into the dark spaces behind. 

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